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25 posts tagged with "turbine"

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Turbine Next

· 2 min read

Our Meroxa CLI version v2.20.0 includes the newest versions of the Turbine SDKs for Go, Javascript, and Python.

Already deployed apps and newly initialized apps will not require any changes, but if you would like to re-deploy or re-run any existing Turbine apps with this CLI version, you will have to make some updates to your application.

Due to the updated versions of the Turbine SDKs, you should notice speed ups with app initialization times as well as deploying times ⚡️ thanks to the following changes:

  • Refactored logic that centralizes common functionality from the SDK using gRPC
  • Reduced the amount of 'moving parts' and intermediate communication between the SDKs and CLI
  • Significantly reduced dependencies for turbine-js

These speed ups will vary depending on your language, for example javascript apps now initialize and deploy ~10 seconds faster.

Turbine Ruby Beta Release

· 2 min read

We are excited to announce the Beta release of Turbine Ruby! All users are invited to participate in building new streaming applications using Ruby.

With an upgrade to Meroxa CLI v2.14.0, you can get started by running meroxa apps init my-ruby-app-name --lang ruby --path path/to/my-ruby-app.

For more information on how to get started, view our blog on Developing Turbine streaming apps with Ruby. For details on on how to update to the latest CLI version, see our CLI guide.

Meroxa Apps Init for Ruby

· 2 min read

Getting started creating Turbine Ruby streaming applications has just gotten easier with the init support for Ruby!

Since Turbine Ruby is currently in Developer Preview, to participate, you'd need to sign up here and a member of our team will follow up to discuss the steps to get the feature enabled.

Once you've been granted access, simply install Meroxa CLI v2.12.0 and run meroxa apps init my-ruby-app-name --lang ruby --path path/to/my-ruby-app to generate an example application.

Turbine Ruby streaming applications in Developer Preview

· One min read

We are excited to announce a Developer Preview for Turbine Ruby streaming applications. The Ruby gem turbine_rb and the Meroxa CLI v2.11.0 introduces support for building, running, and deploying Turbine applications written in Ruby.

If you wish to participate, sign up here and a member of our team will follow up to discuss the steps to get the feature enabled.