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Visualize your Turbine Applications in the Meroxa Dashboard

· 3 min read

Turbine streaming apps can now be visualized in the Meroxa Dashboard! A recent Meroxa CLI release v2.10.0 introduces updated output for meroxa apps describe and meroxa apps list which now includes URLs to access the Meroxa Dashboard. We have also updated output for meroxa resources list for consistency.

Each Turbine data app deployed to the Meroxa platform has a graphical representation available on the Meroxa Dashboard. The application visualization shows all subcomponents, such as the Resources and Connectors the Meroxa Platform stitches together, as coded within your Turbine code.

To gain a better understanding of your Turbine data app and its components, visit the Dashboard application detail page.

Accessing the Application Detail Page

You can view your application visualization via the application detail page. Here are two ways to access it:


You will see the url for the application detail page when running any of the following meroxa CLI commands:

  • meroxa apps deploy

The URL will appear once deployment succeeds.

  • meroxa apps describe

This can be used while working in the Turbine data app local project directory using the Meroxa CLI. You can also run meroxa apps describe <appname> if you are working outside of that local project directory.

meroxa apps describe

UUID: 956d43cc-6ae4-4c07-aa19-c94528e7442b
Name: my-meroxa-app
Language: js
Git SHA: 5ee9883f3c83589cce0869ec9ae52c35006c9128
Created At: 2022-11-28 17:43:10 +0000 UTC
Updated At: 2022-11-28 17:43:10 +0000 UTC
State: running
UUID: 8e85ca05-73a4-4c4b-a95c-2ee56941e105
Type: s3
State: running
UUID: 8e85ca05-73a4-4c4b-a95c-2ee56941e105
Type: snowflake
State: running

✨ To view your application, visit
  • meroxa apps list

This can be used to produce a table of all Turbine streaming apps deployed to your account. Included with the output, a URL that can be used to access the Meroxa Dashboard Application list view.

$ meroxa apps list

====== ======================= ============ ==========
584 my-meroxa-app javascript running
2980 fooapp golang degraded
3095 barapp python running

✨ To view your applications, visit

The URL can be used to access any of your Turbine streaming apps through the Meroxa Dashboard. Please see the following instructions on how to accomplish this.


Within the Meroxa Dashboard you can access the application detail page by navigating to Next, click on the name of the desired Turbine data app to see its application detail page.

Meroxa Dashboard: Visit App Detail View

On the new application detail page, you will find information about the application including details about sub components, such as resource names, resource states, and the source or destination table names used in your data stream.

Click any of the nodes to gain more insight into the state and configuration:

Meroxa Dashboard: App Detail View

For more information on the new application detail page, refer to our documentation.

We're thrilled to be able to give you an even better insight into the Turbine streaming apps you're building on our platform through this new feature.

We look forward to your feedback and hope you enjoy the feature as we continue to develop and improve it.

If you have any questions or suggestions for us, feel free to join our Discord community or email us at [email protected]!