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Checking resource availability earlier in the deployment process

· 2 min read

Prior to Meroxa CLI v2.3.0 with Turbine, you may have observed that the deployment process got pretty far before it noticed that there was an issue with a resource used in the Data Application.

$ meroxa apps deploy
Checking for uncommitted changes...
✔ No uncommitted changes!
Validating branch...
✔ Deployment allowed from master branch!
Preparing application "liveapp" (language) for deployment...
✔ Application built!
✔ Application processes found. Creating application image...
✔ Platform source fetched!
✔ Source uploaded!
✔ Process image built!
x Deployment failed

Error: pipeline: "turbine-pipeline-liveapp" ("UUID")
Error running app : API error : Request failed with status code 404 : could not find resource

With v2.3.0 and newer of the Meroxa CLI with Turbine, we check for the availability of a resource earlier in the deployment process (before building the Process image) and provide more specific messaging and guidance around a misconfigured resource.

$ meroxa apps deploy
Checking for uncommitted changes...
✔ No uncommitted changes!
Validating branch...
✔ Deployment allowed from master branch!
Preparing application "liveapp" (language) for deployment...
✔ Application built!
x Resource availability check failed
Error: could not find resource "my-resource-with-a-typo";

⚠️ Run 'meroxa resources list' to verify that the resource names defined in your Turbine app are identical to the resources you have created on the Meroxa Platform before deploying again