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Introducing Turbine transforms (flatten)

· 2 min read

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As a team solely focused on developer tools, we're always looking for ways to improve the developer experience, increase productivity and reduce friction.

With that in mind, the Turbine Go library recently introduced built-in transforms to bake in commonly use transform functionality.

As of this post, the transforms package includes two transforms, flatten and unwrap.

Automation to run the latest and a new config set command

· 3 min read
Raúl Barroso

This is a legacy platform changelog. The information reflected here may not represent current functionality and some links may be broken.

Our latest Meroxa CLI version v2.2.0 includes two improvements we hope will make your development with our Meroxa Platform even more exciting:

  • Meroxa CLI will start automatically warning you about newer versions.
  • A new config set command to make your Meroxa CLI configuration easier to manage.

Additionally, we have released some other changes to ensure you're running our latest changes for Turbine Go and CLI:

Here are some details:

CLI built from source includes more information

· 2 min read
Raúl Barroso

This is a legacy platform changelog. The information reflected here may not represent current functionality and some links may be broken.

With Meroxa CLI version v2.0.2, if you're running a CLI built from source, you should expect to see exactly what git commit sha you are running and some extra information.

Meroxa CLI v2.0.0 (Beta)

· 2 min read
Raúl Barroso

This is a legacy platform changelog. The information reflected here may not represent current functionality and some links may be broken.

With Meroxa CLI version v2.0.0, we're introducing a new set of commands to operate with Turbine streaming apps, and we're also deprecating the ones that won't apply going forward. New commands are:

  • apps deploy to deploy a Turbine Data Application.
  • apps describe to inspect more information about your Turbine Data Application.
  • apps init to initialize a new Turbine Data Application locally in the language of your choice.
  • apps list to list all your available Turbine streaming apps.
  • apps remove to remove a Turbine Data Application.
  • apps run to run locally a Turbine Data Application.
  • build describe to inspect a Meroxa Process Build.
  • build logs to a Meroxa Process Build's Logs.

If you want to read more about the Turbine streaming apps Beta check out the beta overview. If you wanted to get started building your first Turbine Data Application, check out our documentation to get started.

Log4j (Log4shell) CVE-2021-44228

· 2 min read

This is a legacy platform changelog. The information reflected here may not represent current functionality and some links may be broken.

On December 10th, 2021 researchers published details of an exploit affecting the popular Java logging library Log4j (CVE-2021-44228). The vulnerability in question exploited a feature (Lookups) introduced into v2.x that would allow for malicious messages logged via the system to be interpreted, ultimately allowing the execution of arbitrary code.

The Meroxa Data Platform is largely built on Go (Golang) and as such exposure to this CVE is very limited. Specifically Java (and therefore Log4j) is only used by Apache Kafka and the various Apache Kafka ecosystem components deployed on the platform.

In the case of Apache Kafka and Apache Kafka Connect, both use Log4j-v1.2.17 which is not affected by the recently disclosed vulnerability. You can find more details on the Apache Kafka website (CVE list).

Kafka Connect Connectors however can utilize different versions of the Log4j library. As such we have audited all connectors currently supported on the platform and have deployed updated (remediated) versions. Specifically we have upgraded to versions using Log4j v2.16.0 which removes the feature entirely that introduced the vulnerability.

Additionally we have audited our configurations to confirm that no user generated data is logged via any supported connectors further limiting the ability for this vulnerability to be exploited on the Meroxa Data Platform.

We will of course continue to monitor developments related to the CVE and will take any actions necessary to ensure the security of our platform.

How to Ingest and Analyze Data in Amazon Athena

· 2 min read
Taron "Fox" Foxworth
Engineering Advocate

This is a legacy platform changelog. The information reflected here may not represent current functionality and some links may be broken.

Amazon Athena allows you easily query data stored in Amazon S3 with SQL. With Meroxa, you can build a pipeline to pull data from any source and send it to Amazon S3 in real-time. Altogether, this pipeline allows you to query and analyze real-time data across multiple sources using Athena.

Data Pipeline Diagram

Azure CosmosDB Connector Public Beta

· One min read

This is a legacy platform changelog. The information reflected here may not represent current functionality and some links may be broken.

Azure Cosmos DB is now available in Public Beta as a Source Connector on Meroxa. This means you can start provisioning Cosmos DB via the Meroxa Dashboard or CLI:

$ meroxa resources create sourcedb --type cosmosdb --url cosmosdb://$COSMOS_ACCOUNT_NAME:$COSMOS_PRIMARY_KEY@$$COSMOS_DATABASE

For any questions or comments, please feel free to email us at [email protected] or reach out to us on Twitter

Display connector trace on failed connectors

· One min read

This is a legacy platform changelog. The information reflected here may not represent current functionality and some links may be broken.

With the release of Meroxa CLI version v1.4.0, we've updated the output of the connector describe command to display the error trace of failed connectors.