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Manage Self-hosted Environments on AWS


This feature is currently in private beta. If you wish to participate, you must first request access. A member of our team will follow up to discuss the steps to get the feature enabled.

The following steps assume you have already gone through the steps to get started and have already successfully created a Self-hosted Environment.

The following steps depict how you can manage your Environment using the CLI.

List Environments

Use meroxa environments list to get a list of your existing environments.

$ meroxa environments list

                 UUID                             NAME                TYPE       PROVIDER       REGION              STATE
====================================== ========================== ============= ========== ================ ======================
 z807a603-ea6b-4078-bfda-7cc154b95a97             my-env           self_hosted     aws        us-east-1             ready

Update Environments

Use meroxa environments update to update an existing environment. Updating an environment could take up to 30 minutes. You will be notified once it has been successfully updated.

$ meroxa env update my-env --name new-name --config aws_access_key_id="$ACCESS_KEY_ID" --config aws_access_secret="$NEW_ACCESS_SECRET"

Updating environment...
Preflight checks have passed. Environment "my-env" is being updated. Run `meroxa env describe my-env` for status

Remove Environments

Use meroxa environments remove to remove and deprovision an existing environment. Removing an environment could take up to 30 minutes. You will be notified once it has been successfully removed and deprovisioned.

$ meroxa environments remove my-env

Environment "my-env" is being removed...
Run `meroxa env describe my-env` for status.

What's Next?

Run into issues? Refer to our troubleshooting docs or contact us, we're always happy to help!