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The Conduit Platform by default supports MongoDB as a source and a destination.

The MongoDB destination can connect to and produce records to a collection.

Required Configurations

dbThe name of a database the connector must work with.Yes
collectionThe name of a collection the connector must write to.Yes

Looking for something else? See advanced configurations.

Upsert Behavior

The destination connector takes an sdk.Record and parses it into a valid MongoDB query and is designed to handle different payloads and keys. Because of this, each record is individually parsed and upserted.

Collection Name

If a record contains a mongo.collection property in its metadata it will be written in that collection, otherwise it will fall back to use the collection configured in the connector. Thus, a Destination can support multiple collections in the same connector, as long as the user has proper access to those collections.

Key Handling

The connector uses all keys from an sdk.Record when updating and deleting documents.

If the _id field can be converted to a bson.ObjectID, the connector converts it, otherwise, it uses it as it is.

Advanced Configurations

uriThe connection string. The URI can contain host names, IPv4/IPv6 literals, or an SRV record. Example: mongodb://localhost:27017No
auth.usernameThe username.No
auth.passwordThe user's password.No
auth.dbThe name of a database that contains the user's authentication data.No
auth.mechamismThe authentication mechanism. The available values are SCRAM-SHA-256, SCRAM-SHA-1, MONGODB-CR, MONGODB-AWS, or MONGODB-X509. This will depend on your MongoDB server version.No
auth.tls.caFileThe path to either a single or a bundle of certificate authorities to trust when making a TLS connection.No
auth.tls.certificateKeyFileThe path to the client certificate file or the client private key file.No