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This quickstart guide covers everything you need to get started with the Conduit Platform and creating stream processing applications.

Step 1: Provision a Conduit Platform

To provision a platform, you must first request a demo.

Our team will provide you with a link to initiate the provisioning of your platform. Upon accessing the link, you will be prompted for the following:

  • A unique name for your platform (e.g. Acme Corporation might pick acmecorp)
  • An email address for the Owner (e.g. This user will have full access to the platform)

Step 2: Access your Conduit Platform

Once you have initiated the provisioning of your platform, please allow a few minutes for the process to complete. You will receive an email notification at the provided Owner email address once the provisioning is complete.

You will then be able to access your platform instance by going to (replace company with your chosen platform name).

What's next?

Now that you have your Conduit Platform ready to go, you can take the first steps to streaming your data.

Create Secrets

Learn how to store credentials securely on the Conduit Platform to connect to your data resources. You can learn more how to do this in our Secrets documentation.

Create Application

Define the topology of your application to infrom the platform where data should flow. You can learn more how to do this in our Getting Started with Applications documentation.